Real-time visual creativity

Live compositing and media server platform

コンテンツクリエイター、アートディレクター、ビデオオペレーター、オーディオ/ビデオインテグレーター、イベントオーガナイザー、レンタルカンパニー、ステージデザイナー、TV放送、文化施設、テクニカルディレクターの皆様へ。Smode is made for you.

SMODEは 映像合成のプラットフォームメディアサーバーを統合し、 ビジュアルイベントにおけるクリエイティビティをバージョンアップします




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With SMODE, whether you're shaping ideas in the studio or bringing them to life on the stage, we have the right tools for you.

Your Real-Time Creative Powerhouse!

Create. Generate. Composite.

Simulate. Animate. Render.

Smode Compose is designed for content creators and video operators who thrive in an offline environment, providing a comprehensive platform for the creation, simulation and export of your projects or videos.

Redefining Real-Time Compositing and Media Serving.

Perform. Integrate. Broadcast.

Manipulate. Innovate. Engage.

Smode Live caters to real-time, online operations as a fully-equipped media server. It provides advanced video playback capabilities along with live editing features as a all-in-one package, ensuring that your creativity never misses a beat.

Smode Community
Your creative sandbox for real-time visual exploration.

Smode Community is a free version of SMODE with no ads, no user data tracking, and no obligations of any kind, which is fully usable without watermarks up to the Full HD resolution (1920x1080). Although this is a non-commercial software license, it's designed to give everyone access to our state-of-the-art tools, allowing you to explore and create without limitations.