Stage Simulation

3D Stage simulation in real-time

Surprise the audience, not the production

At any step of a project from the call for tender until the last day, the stage simulator can produce a fast, real-time previsualization of video content. Thanks to this previsualization, artistic directors can make better decisions and graphic designers can have immediate feedback on how their content will look on stage.

Stage Simulation

Surprise the audience, not the production

At any step of a project from the call for tender until the last day, the stage simulator can produce a fast, real-time previsualization of video content. Thanks to this previsualization, artistic directors can make better decisions and graphic designers can have immediate feedback on how their content will look on stage.

Video mapping simulation

SMODE has an advanced video projector simulation mode that takes luminosity, occlusion, and resolution into account. Thanks to this simulation, it is possible to make informed decisions in the early steps of a project, notably by identifying potential problems and comparing alternatives on how many projectors to use, which lens to use, how to position them, and so on.

Stage Simulation

Video mapping simulation

SMODE has an advanced video projector simulation mode that takes luminosity, occlusion, and resolution into account. Thanks to this simulation, it is possible to make informed decisions in the early steps of a project, notably by identifying potential problems and comparing alternatives on how many projectors to use, which lens to use, how to position them, and so on.