Video File

Video File

2D Generator - Generate an animated image by playing a video file. Play it either with its Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More or from a Timeline Timelines specificity is to play, cut and edit video layers easily, and to animate layers and their parameters Read More (by drag n dropping the layer inside it)

/!\ NEVER duplicate a video file inside of your Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More ./!\

As seeking through the same file in different times is a hard drive killer and may generate important performances losses at Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More re-opening.
-If you want to use a Video several times, then use a Group 2D Renderer Allow multiple 2D Renderer for a single 2D Layer Read More and add renderer (simply select the video layer and [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A] ) or use a Shared Element A shared element that can be reused at several places like an After Effects precomposition Read More
-If you want to use a video file with delay, you can use a Frame Delay Travel an x number of frames into the past Read More which will be exhausting and non recommended for your peace of mind. Or use some sprite-sheets tricks.

Supported video formats

All videos must be encoded in constant bitrate

Allowed formats:
-Hap / Hap Alpha / Hap-R: Compression format developed for real time.
Read directly by the GPU. For better performances, specially if you have many videos playing at the same time, use the Smode Tech plug-in here :
(this is free because we are so cute)
If you want to know everything about hap, go check the Export in Hap from third party softwares Use Smode Tech plugin for all your Hap export purposes (from after effects or other softwares) to have a good real time video with both quality and prestige! Read More part of the documentation.

This will allow to encode the HAP in 16 chunks, so they can be computed by up to 16 cores of the processor.

- Prores : Standard / Hq / Lt / 4444 / 4444xq (for quality)
- Quicktime animation
- NotchLC or quicktime mjpeg codec with respect to certain conditions - WMV

Experimental formats :
Go see the Medias directories Manage media directories Read More topic (on the bottom of the page) to see how to read almost every video format and encode them into Hap directly inside of Smode.
Video Export:
Go check the Export a Video Video Export specifications and system Read More topic, champion !


Since Smode 9.2 What's new in 9.2 ? (4/11/2021) Read More , you can import video file encoded in hapR. This codec provide better quality gradients playback.

Import a Video Layer

To create a video layer, simply drag and drop the video file from the file tree into your Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More :

Play a Video Layer (either as a Standalone or inside a Timeline)

There is a Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More parameter in the video layer to control the playback of the video (play, pause, playback speed, etc). The Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More shows the current displayed frame and the video file's duration in the SMPTE time format.
To animate the video, the first option is to create a Standalone Player Is used to play either video layers or generative layers such as Noise layer or Droste or the marvellous Video File Read More :

Which will be created just below the video layer:

Otherwise, the video can be played by a Timeline Timelines specificity is to play, cut and edit video layers easily, and to animate layers and their parameters Read More . To do this, drag and drop the video layer into a Timeline Timelines specificity is to play, cut and edit video layers easily, and to animate layers and their parameters Read More and it will create a Track Animation track of an element / parameter inside the Timeline editor or the Function Editor Read More , and inside that track a Track Block Animate video inside a Track Read More :

Note that in the second case, there is a shortcut to simultaneously create a video layer and animate it inside the timeline by drag and dropping a file video directly into the timeline.
Note that anytime Frame Blending can be activated inside of a Video Layer inside of its parameters :

- You can also use a video profiler over a video. Go check the Use optimisation tools to accelerate a composition It is running fast? Could be faster. Read More topic in the How To section for further information.
- To enhance Time remapping, go check that chapter inside of the Track Block Animate video inside a Track Read More part of the documentation.


  • File (Video (with or without Audio) File Selector) : File
  • Audio Layer (Number) : Index of the audio stream in the file (-1 for none by default. Can be used to change the audio source (language, track... ). Should not be confused with the concept of channels (Left, Right...) video file
  • Video Layer (Number) : Index of the video stream in the file (zero by default, can be used to change the video source (Camera, track... )video file
  • Transport (Transport) : Transport
  • Thread Count (Thread Count) : Number of CPU threads to decode the compressed video stream.
  • Frame Blending (On/off option) : Blends previous and next frame of the video to avoid stuttering when fps is less or not a multiple of the display fps. Add GPU costs.
  • Streamer (AVStreamer) : AVStreamer Settings and information about stream quality of a Video File Read More settings of the video file.

See Also: