/!\ NEVER duplicate a video file inside of your
Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode
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As seeking through the same file in different times is a hard drive killer and may generate important performances losses at
Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode
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-If you want to use a Video several times, then use a
Group 2D Renderer
Allow multiple 2D Renderer for a single 2D Layer
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and add renderer (simply select the video layer and
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A]
) or use a
Shared Element
A shared element that can be reused at several places like an After Effects precomposition
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-If you want to use a video file with delay, you can use a
Frame Delay
Travel an x number of frames into the past
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which will be exhausting and non recommended for your peace of mind. Or use some sprite-sheets tricks.
Smode 9.2
What's new in 9.2 ? (4/11/2021)
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, you can import video file encoded in hapR. This codec provide better quality gradients playback.
Import a Video Layer
To create a video layer, simply drag and drop the video file from the file tree into your
Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode
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Play a Video Layer (either as a Standalone or inside a Timeline)
There is a
Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank
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parameter in the video layer to control the playback of the video (play, pause, playback speed, etc).
Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank
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shows the current displayed frame and the video file's duration in the
time format.
To animate the video, the first option is to create a
Standalone Player
Is used to play either video layers or generative layers such as Noise layer or Droste or the marvellous Video File
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Which will be created just below the video layer:
Otherwise, the video can be played by a
Timelines allow for easy playback, cutting, and editing of video layers, as well as animation of layers and their parameters, editable with the Timeline Editor.
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. To do this, drag and drop the video layer into a
Timelines allow for easy playback, cutting, and editing of video layers, as well as animation of layers and their parameters, editable with the Timeline Editor.
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and it will create a
Animation track of an element / parameter inside the Timeline editor or the Function Editor
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, and inside that track a
Track Block
Animate video Transport inside a Track
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Note that in the second case, there is a shortcut to simultaneously create a video layer and animate it inside the timeline by drag and dropping a file video directly into the timeline.
Note that anytime Frame Blending can be activated inside of a Video Layer inside of its parameters :
- You can also use a video profiler over a video. Go check the
Use optimisation tools to accelerate a composition
It is running fast? Could be faster.
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topic in the How To section for further information.
- To enhance Time remapping, go check that chapter inside of the
Track Block
Animate video Transport inside a Track
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part of the documentation.