

2D Generator - Composite 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More , Shape layer Bezier shape and drawing Read More and 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode

To create a compo from several Layers, select them and press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C]
A compo is a collection of 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More , composited together.
A compo can contain 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More and 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More together. It can also contain Tool An element that adds logic and/or functionality to your compo, that is not visible on screen Read More and Audio File Sound track in files Read More .
A compo can also exist as a layer (pre-comp). That means layers can be grouped inside a compo, inside your main compo.
A compo has a main animation, that can either be a Timeline Timelines specificity is to play, cut and edit video layers easily, and to animate layers and their parameters Read More or a Cue List Add cues one after another to encode your Show Read More . A compo with a main timeline can be played back like any other animated media (video, animated generative layer, etc).
A compo has a main Camera A camera filming 3D content Read More . It defines the point of view that will be used to show the 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More in the compo.
When saved on disk, a compo has the extension ".compo".
You can also Bake compositions How to transform a Compo into a video file inside a composition to gain fps Read More and Export and Consolidate How to collect all files of a composition in order to share it Read More them (except on Synth).
To save a compo. Simply press [Ctrl] + [S] or do FILEMenu for Opening, Saving and Closing operations -> "Save/Save as"


  • Background (Color) : The background color of the compo (can be semi or fully transparent)
  • Current Camera (Camera Selector) : Select the camera used to show the 3D objects contained by the compo
  • Main Animation (Animation V9) : A compo main Animation is it's main Timeline Timelines specificity is to play, cut and edit video layers easily, and to animate layers and their parameters Read More . You can create it like that :

    and is then created under the compo

  • Cameras (List of Cameras) : Cameras

See Also: