Exr Image Layer

Exr Image Layer

2D Generator - Referenced Exr File

Importing an .exr inside of Smode works the same way than the Image Layer This generator loads a still image and displays it. Read More .
Once you have imported the file into the Element Tree The hierarchical structure of Smode elements Read More you can the choose the channel of the exr inside of the Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More or use the layer parameter to auto-assign the channel:


  • File (Multi Texture Layer Image Data File Selector) : File of the exr image layer
  • Layer (Multiple-choices option (Optional)) : Selet the sub layer to use to auto-assign RGBA channels
  • R Channel (Multiple-choices option) : Red channel of the exr image layer
  • G Channel (Multiple-choices option) : Green channel of the exr image layer
  • B Channel (Multiple-choices option) : Blue channel of the exr image layer
  • A Channel (Multiple-choices option (Optional)) : Alpha channel of the exr image layer

See Also: