

Settings and information about stream quality of a Video File Generate an animated image by playing a video file. Play it either with its Transport or from a Timeline (by drag n dropping the layer inside it) Read More


  • Direct Disk Access : The number of times Smode had to access the hard drive to display an image, without putting it in RAM
  • TOC :Size of the Table of Content ( increase it if needed for reverse blackback )


  • Frame Drop Counter : Really not a good sign if >0 during production! It means Smode have lost frames. Try to optimize your show or the media thanks the other avstreamer
  • Mean Decoding Time : The average time it takes to Smode to decode a frame ( must be bellow 1/video FPS )
  • Frames Skipping : number of frame to skip to improve video playback performance when the file it to hard to play
  • Auto Frames Skipping : Option to make the Frames Skipping automatic when SMODE detect a drop in performance in the decoding time
  • Video Buffer : Number of images prepared after the playback (images ready to be sent)
  • Video Back Buffer : Number of images kept before the playback (for a playback direction change)
  • Enable Mip Mapping : Experimental! keep it unchecked!!

Video Information

  • Codec : Codec used
  • Resolution : Pixel resolution of the media
  • Num Frames : Total amount of frames
  • Time Base : Fps
  • Chunk Count : Number of Chunks

Video Information - Pixel Format

  • Color Space :
  • Flags :
  • Sub Sampling :
  • Component Type :
  • Compression :


  • Enabled : Enable the profiling of the streamer
  • File Buffer : Visualize the Byte placed in RAM according to the settings. The peak represents the playback.
  • Video Stream Buffer : Visualize the frames placed in RAM according to the settings. The peak represents the playback.

See Also: