The ON-AIR mode enables all performances of the machine to be focused on the actual
Video Output Device
Video Output Devices are devices that enable the sending of a video stream out of Smode
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than on confort features such as interactive preview or automatic updates of file previews.
The ON-AIR mode can be toggled with the [F9] keyboard shortcut.
Here are the main things that happen when going ON-AIR:
Preview and edit your content
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is disabled
Critical commands such as closing the current document or closing the application are disabled
Tool tips are disabled
Automatic computation of file previews is disabled
Unused GPU objects get released
GPU Memory description is not longer updated
The mouse cross is disabled on
Video Projector
Virtual video projectors of Smode stage, used for real life mapping, usually directly connected to the Outputs
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The VRam allocated to Notch blocks is purged