Parameter Bank editor

Parameter Bank editor

The list of every Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More of the selected Parameter Bank Group a bunch of Exposed Parameter together Read More

When you have an Exposed Parameter Allow to control multiple Link Target with a single value Read More , it is stored in a Parameter Bank Group a bunch of Exposed Parameter together Read More .
You can save a set of values for these exposed parameters as a Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More . If you change the values and then apply this state later, all the parmeters will take the values that were saved in this state. So you can easily switch from one state to another without having to change the values of each parameter individually.
If you have at least one Parameter Bank Group a bunch of Exposed Parameter together Read More , you can open a Parameter Bank editor by selecting it with the Component Selector Change the current component panel in a tab Read More or by clicking on the 'Edit' button in the Parameter Bank Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More .
This editor allows you to edit the different Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More .


Use the buttons of the toolbars to add a new Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More or override the settings of the current state, remove a state, and edit them:

Save as new

When you press the 'Save As New' button, current value of the Exposed Parameter Allow to control multiple Link Target with a single value Read More become a new Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More .


Press the 'Record' button to override the current Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More with the new values of the Exposed Parameter Allow to control multiple Link Target with a single value Read More values.
Recording feature only affects the current Parameters Bank State A state of a collection of Exposed Parameter Read More , not the selected one.
It's advised to rename the different states, so you can find them quickly using the search tool bar

See Also: