Video Output

Video Output

Represents the connection of a Video Output Device Video Output Devices are devices that enable the sending of a video stream out of Smode Read More to the Pipeline Define how video content is processed in a project Read More

Go check the Video Output Device Video Output Devices are devices that enable the sending of a video stream out of Smode Read More part of the documentation for further details.
Once the Video Outputs are set, select the output inside of the Pipeline Define how video content is processed in a project Read More and choose what content you want to send to it from it's Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More :

About the Output, note that all your video outputs are actually inside a same pixel space which determines the resolution's limitations.
For instance, If your unlock is 4096x2400 , then put all your outputs inside this pixel space:

Also be careful to have your main monitor outside of this output pixel space.
Go check Activate a Resolution unlock and Know which license I have How to check your license status Read More in order to know how to check your resolution limit and activate unlocks.

Parameters common to all Elements

  • Loading (Activation State) : The loading status of the video output. It can be loaded , enabled by not loaded or unloaded
  • Activation (Activation State) : The activation status of the video output. It can be active , enabled by not active or inactive
  • Color Label (sRGB Color) : Associate a color label to your video output to make it easily locatable
  • Solo (On/off option) : Activate this to keep only this video output active and hide all other video outputs in same location
  • Editable (Activation State) : The editabiliy status of the video output. It can be locked directly , locked indirectly or editable
  • Preset (Element Preset Selector) : Select a preset to apply on the video output
  • Status (Object's errors and warnings) : Warnings and errors associated to this video output

See Also: