This tab list the 2D point that are placed in the VP view. The list of points will be used by the
Video Projector Calibrator
This automatically Adjusts the Video Projector placement according to Point Locator and Video Projector Calibration points
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Each point is linked to a
Point Locator3D coordinate used as the reference for calibration
they have a 2D output location corresponding to there position in the 2D
Video Projector
Virtual video projectors of Smode stage, used for real life mapping, usually directly connected to the Outputs
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The error correspond to the distance in PX between the 2D position of the 3D
Point Locator3D coordinate used as the reference for calibration
viewed from the
Video Projector
Virtual video projectors of Smode stage, used for real life mapping, usually directly connected to the Outputs
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perspective and the 2D output position.