Surface - Define a projection surface
Video Projector - Virtual video projectors of Smode stage, used for real life mapping, usually directly connected to the Outputs
Led Screen - Screens with a pitch and a luminosity
Free Shape Led Screen - Turn any Smode primitive into a LED screen
Strip Led Screen - Has the same behavior as Led Screen Screens with a pitch and a luminosity Read More but got only a length and a pitch
Planar Led Screen - Regular led screen
Tiles Led Screen - Is a Led Screen Screens with a pitch and a luminosity Read More with tiles options
Tracking System - To visualize tracked points using a tracking device
Tracker - a Tracker represent a real tracker and is part of a Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More
Fixture Definitions - A dedicated Bank A container for logic elements (animations, parameters, links, ...) Read More to store your fixtures
Single Fixture - A reference of Fixture Type
Led Fixture Type - Define a type of single LED
Strip Fixture Type - Define a type of strip LEDs
Screen Fixture Type - Define a type of screen LEDs
Stage Elements Group - Group multiple stage elements together
Mapping - Used to remap UV of a stage surface
Stage Geometry - Used to represent a part of the stage that is not a Led screen or a projection surface