Smode How To guide for Project creation!

Smode How To guide for Project creation!

You wanna do it?
You gonna do it.
This section focuses specifically on some of the main and broader applications of Smode mapping pipeline.
As complement, check the general How To How to do everything! Read More section of the documentation.


Create a 2D warp on a single output part 1 - Content Area Organize your content maps Read More Methodology

Create a 2D warp on a single output part 2 - Warp Manual distort, perspective mapping tool Read More Methodology

Create Soft Edges - Objective : Create Soft Edges for a video projector Output

Relight on a mapped object with 3D simulation - Quick Video Tutorial

Add alpha to a Content Map - Objective : Add transparent Background to content maps

Bind the Show Timelines to Timecode - Let timecode Rule the show

Create a custom shape LED screen - How to create a round (or other shape) screen with LED pitch simulation

Export a video from a project output / processor / content Map -

Create a stage pre-visualization - How to display your stage simulation through an Output and export it as a video

Create a Multi Video-projectors dome with a Vioso calibration - Build a 6 Video-projectors dome setup with Vioso calibration file (

Create a single display project with a Warped output - Objective : Create a project with a single content map and a single output

Create a full multi LED pipeline from scratch - Send content into multiple led screens

Create a full 3D mapping project from scratch - Quick Video Tutorial

Import CSV as Fixture - how to import a .csv file into a Stage to create your Led fixture

Import as Group in the Stage - Learn how to name your object in the 3d Software of your choice before importing your FBX in Smode

Create and import 3D file into LED Fixture - Design your own LED structure

Use posital values into Smode - The good process for using Posital values in Smode

Configure Network for posital - Configure the network for Posital sensors

Useful other softwares - The best friends of every Smoders

See Also: