Create a 2D warp on a single output part 1 - Content Area Organize your content maps Read More Methodology
Create a 2D warp on a single output part 2 - Warp Manual distort, perspective mapping tool Read More Methodology
Create Soft Edges - Objective : Create Soft Edges for a video projector Output
Relight on a mapped object with 3D simulation - Quick Video Tutorial
Add alpha to a Content Map - Objective : Add transparent Background to content maps
Bind the Show Timelines to Timecode - Let timecode Rule the show
Create a custom shape LED screen - How to create a round (or other shape) screen with LED pitch simulation
Export a video from a project output / processor / content Map -
Create a stage pre-visualization - How to display your stage simulation through an Output and export it as a video
Create a Multi Video-projectors dome with a Vioso calibration - Build a 6 Video-projectors dome setup with Vioso calibration file (
Create a single display project with a Warped output - Objective : Create a project with a single content map and a single output
Create a full multi LED pipeline from scratch - Send content into multiple led screens
Create a full 3D mapping project from scratch - Quick Video Tutorial
Import CSV as Fixture - how to import a .csv file into a Stage to create your Led fixture
Import as Group in the Stage - Learn how to name your object in the 3d Software of your choice before importing your FBX in Smode
Create and import 3D file into LED Fixture - Design your own LED structure
Use posital values into Smode - The good process for using Posital values in Smode
Configure Network for posital - Configure the network for Posital sensors
Useful other softwares - The best friends of every Smoders