XR - Create the Screens

XR - Create the Screens

LED walls and Internal Processors

In this example, we will use a setup comprising a Planar Led Screen Regular led screen Read More floor and two Planar Led Screen Regular led screen Read More walls to create a half-box configuration.

Create the floor

If your configuration involves a floor LED screen, you can begin by creating it as follows:
- Inside your Stage 3D modeling of the real-world video setup Read More , create a first Planar Led Screen Regular led screen Read More with an internal processor.
- Set the pitch, size and resolution of the Internal Processor of the floor LED screen to match the real LED screen you are using.
- You can rename this Planar Led Screen Floor .
Although starting with the creation of the floor is more of a recommendation than an obligation, note that the first Planar Led Screen Regular led screen Read More in your stage will serve as a reference for the XR - Calibration procedures Calibrate your XR Studio Read More .

Create the walls

You can duplicate the Planar Led Screen Regular led screen Read More previously created twice and position them to form a half-box configuration.
You can rename them to, for example, 'Left' and 'Right'.
You can use a custom geometry by importing an FBX file as Free Shape Led Screen Turn any Smode primitive into a LED screen Read More using the Import as Group in the Stage Learn how to name your object in the 3d Software of your choice before importing your FBX in Smode Read More option.

You can now proceed to the next step: Camera Tracking Create and configure a Tracking System and Physical Camera Read More .

See Also: