Create and Run your XR Studio in Smode

Create and Run your XR Studio in Smode

Creating an XR studio in Smode requires a specific XR/AR license. If you'd like to try out these features to decide whether you want to purchase an XR/AR license, please contact us.

What does XR mean?

An XR project combines various special effects techniques to create a comprehensive virtual environment.
Notable among these techniques are:
  • Camera tracking
  • The Virtual Set: LED screens arranged to form a background
  • Augmented reality: Overlaying virtual elements onto a real camera stream
  • Set-extension: The virtual extension of the background diffused within the virtual set using augmented reality.


Setup an XR project in Smode
To setup your XR project in Smode, follow these steps:
Use any LED shape in Smode
If your LED screen doesn't have a conventional shape that you can find by default in Smode components, you can directly import an FBX file in the shape of your LED screen. If you have a separate object for each LED panel, you should merge them (on Blender: Ctrl+J and Merge by distance) so that you have only one object for the whole screen. Also check the orientation of the normals and flip them if necessary. Make sure that the UV of your mesh is correct. You can also set the origin to 3D Cursor.
Rename your object with the word 'LED' in the name so that Smode will automatically recognize it as a Free Shape Led Screen Turn any Smode primitive into a LED screen Read More .
Export the FBX file and save it in one of the Smode Media Directories Where you can find all your content media Read More . Simply drag and drop it in your Stage and choose Import as Group in the Stage Learn how to name your object in the 3d Software of your choice before importing your FBX in Smode Read More . Set the resolution of its internal Processor This section describes how to configure Smode processors in order to configure your output(s) and also make some nice and smooth stage pre-visualisations Read More and affect it a Content Map This section describes how to set up your content maps and use Content Area Read More . Set the Renderer type of the Content Map to 'Warp To Geometry'.


XR - Create the Screens - LED walls and Internal Processors

Camera Tracking - Create and configure a Tracking System and Physical Camera

XR - Broadcasting 3D content on the LED screens - Utilize your LED screens as windows into a 3D world.

XR - Extended and augmented reality - Final VFX processor for compositing the camera with the set extension and AR

XR - Display Environment - Display environment content around your frustum

XR - Calibration procedures - Calibrate your XR Studio

XR - Latency Calibration - Automatically evaluate the amount of frame delay between sending a picture to the stage and receiving it back through the camera.

Camera Tracking Data Latency - Sync the Camera Video Input with the Tracking Data

XR - Geometry Calibration - Lets Smode know the position of cameras and Led Screens in the real world

XR - Color Calibration - Blend perfectly the walls colors with the virtual surrounding.

Sanity Check for XR setup - Hardware setup for XR project

See Also: