Restaure system partition from USB boot key

Restaure system partition from USB boot key

Creating a Bootable USB Drive

Run Rufus and follow the on-screen instructions:
  • For 'Boot selection': select the downloaded AOMEI Backupper PE.iso file.
  • For 'Partition scheme': select MBR .
  • For 'Target system': select BIOS (or UEFI-CSM) .
Once configured, click Start to create the bootable USB drive.

Configuring your ASUS BIOS

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS settings menu and navigate to the 'Boot' section:
  • Locate the Compatibility Support Module (CSM) setting and enable it.
  • Ensure both UEFI and Legacy boot modes are available.
Save your BIOS settings and exit.

Restoring your System Partition

Insert the bootable USB drive and restart your computer. In the boot menu, select the USB volume representing your bootable USB drive.
In AOMEI Backupper, navigate to the 'Restore' tab and select the system backup image you previously created (stored on D:\ drive in this example).

See Also: