xr calibrator needs a specific XR/AR licence. Please contact us for trying thanks our #XRForm
Create this tool on a Physical CameraA camera that simulate a real-oneRead More. it needs Video InputExtract the image from a Video Input DeviceRead More to make the brigde between the Smode's virtual camera and the real stream.
The calibration process can be divided in 3 steps descirbed here:
XR - Latency Calibration
Automatically evaluate the amount of frame delay between sending a picture to the stage and receiving it back through the camera.
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xr calibrator
that display Trackera Tracker represent a real tracker and is part of a Tracking SystemRead More informations, enable Locators and detection of the locators
Video InputExtract the image from a Video Input DeviceRead More stream that correspond to the camera.
Led ScreenScreens with a pitch and a luminosityRead More targeted by the calibration is represented by XR Display informationLayer that store latency calibration informations and configure and store the color calibrationRead More.
Attribute Simulator (inverse Color Model)
: stage with color correction applied on it.
Color Simulator (color model)
: The stage simulation compositon (color model).
Input (2D Generator) : Select the 2D GeneratorThe part of a 2D layer that generates the imageRead More