Video File
Generate an animated image by playing a video file. Play it either with its
Transport or from a Timeline (by drag n dropping the layer inside it)
Read More VideoFileTextureGenerator
ReferenceInstance of a Shared Element or an external CompoRead More ReferenceTextureGenerator
Function CurveGenerate a gradient curve from a functionRead More FunctionCurveTextureGenerator
Radial FunctionDisplay a radial shape defined by a FunctionRead More RadialFunctionTextureGenerator
Radial GradientThis generator creates a linear gradient (by default from black to white), in a circle from the center to the edges of the layerRead More RadialGradientTextureGenerator
Shader GeneratorCreate your own shader with mathematical beautifulness in OpenGL Shading Language through the Shader EditorRead More ShaderTextureGenerator
Shader Toy GeneratorCopy past your favourite shader from ShaderToy to the Smode Shader Editor. Seems like a dream ?'s Smode...Read More ShaderToyTextureGenerator
Substance layerExtract one layer from a .sbsar Substance materialRead More SbsarFileTextureGenerator