Right click over a layer and choose Create Fixture to see the available fixtures associated to the element.
By default, the fixtures 1 channel starter and 2 channel starter appears (meaning that you can activate or deactivate this element through the light desk).
Official GrandMA2 fixtures:
Official GDTF fixtures:
Check in the list below, the fixtures that exists for SMODE:
Activation and Loading
Activate, load, control the opacity and also the timelines by using the following fixtures:
One Channel Element Starter
Two Channels Element Starter
Standard ContentFixtureType
Single parameters
Control the following parameters:
Percentage (8 or 16bits)
Boolean (8 or 16 Bits)
Color in RGB or RGBA(8 or 16 Bits)
Color in HSV or HSVA(8 or 16 Bits)
Position 3d 16Bits
Euler Angles 16Bits
Placement 2D
Fixtures for
Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters
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