

Associated fixtures for contents and parameters

Right click over a layer and choose Create Fixture to see the available fixtures associated to the element. By default, the fixtures 1 channel starter and 2 channel starter appears (meaning that you can activate or deactivate this element through the light desk).
Official GrandMA2 fixtures:share.php?page=home&manu=SmodeTech
Official GDTF fixtures:share.php?page=home&manu=Smode+Tech
Check in the list below, the fixtures that exists for SMODE:

Activation and Loading

Activate, load, control the opacity and also the timelines by using the following fixtures:
  • One Channel Element Starter
  • Two Channels Element Starter
  • Standard ContentFixtureType
  • MinimalContentFixtureType

Single parameters

Control the following parameters:
  • Percentage (8 or 16bits)
  • Boolean (8 or 16 Bits)
  • Color in RGB or RGBA(8 or 16 Bits)
  • Color in HSV or HSVA(8 or 16 Bits)
  • Position 3d 16Bits
  • Euler Angles 16Bits

2D Modifiers

Fixtures for 2D Modifier Modify a 2D image Read More


Fixtures for 2D TextureMask Define a 2D Mask applicable on any 2D Renderer or 2D Modifier Read More :

Placement 2D

Fixtures for Parametric Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters Read More

Parameters common to all Elements

  • Loading (Activation State) : The loading status of the fixture. It can be loaded , enabled by not loaded or unloaded
  • Activation (Activation State) : The activation status of the fixture. It can be active , enabled by not active or inactive
  • Color Label (sRGB Color) : Associate a color label to your fixture to make it easily locatable
  • Solo (On/off option) : Activate this to keep only this fixture active and hide all other fixtures in same location
  • Editable (Activation State) : The editabiliy status of the fixture. It can be locked directly , locked indirectly or editable
  • Preset (Element Preset Selector) : Select a preset to apply on the fixture
  • Status (Object's errors and warnings) : Warnings and errors associated to this fixture

See Also: