Tool - Playback a recorded Artnet or sACN file by the Dmx RecorderRecord Artnet or sACN value.Read More
Prerequisites and limitations
Some drivers do not support video frequencies such as 50hz or 60hz. It is important to find out in advance what the drivers will be able to handle before starting a workflow based on the dmx record.
Any occuring frameDrop on the server that record, will appears as stream drop on the dmx fileAn artnet or sACN recording file
. It is hardly recommended to have a server fully optimised for this task during the recording.
File (Universe Sequence File Selector) : dmx fileAn artnet or sACN recording file
to play
Transport (Transport) : transport of the dmx player
Device (Universe Control) : sAcn or Artnet device to output
Universe Offset (Number) : number of universe to offset the playback
Value To Inspect (Universe Component Selector) : Have a look to a specific played channel
Inspected Value (Number (0 - 255) (Optional)) : inspected value