Dmx Player

Dmx Player

Tool - Playback a recorded Artnet or sACN file by the Dmx Recorder Record Artnet or sACN value. Read More

Prerequisites and limitations

  • Some drivers do not support video frequencies such as 50hz or 60hz. It is important to find out in advance what the drivers will be able to handle before starting a workflow based on the dmx record.
  • Any occuring frameDrop on the server that record, will appears as stream drop on the dmx fileAn artnet or sACN recording file . It is hardly recommended to have a server fully optimised for this task during the recording.


  • File (Universe Sequence File Selector) : dmx fileAn artnet or sACN recording file to play
  • Transport (Transport) : transport of the dmx player
  • Device (Universe Control) : sAcn or Artnet device to output
  • Universe Offset (Number) : number of universe to offset the playback
  • Value To Inspect (Universe Component Selector) : Have a look to a specific played channel
  • Inspected Value (Number (0 - 255) (Optional)) : inspected value

See Also: