ATEM Switcher

ATEM Switcher

Tool - SMDOE can control ATEM Production Switchers manufactured by Blackmagic Design

  1. Download and Install ATEM Switchers Software: atem-live-production-switchers
  2. To create an Atem Switcher element, navigate to Tools > Controls > AtemSwitcher > Atem Switcher
Adjust the settings for your use:


  • Host (Host Identifier) : The IP address of your ATEM Switcher
  • Product Name (Text) : The name of your ATEM Switcher
  • Program (Indexed String With Choices) : Main Output
  • Preview (Indexed String With Choices) : Next Source
  • Auxiliary (Indexed String With Choices) : Another Output
  • Transition (Percentage) : Transition Percentage
  • Cut (Trigger) : Change Output by cut
  • Automatic Transition (Trigger) : Change Output with Transition
  • Transition Frame Remaining (Positive Number) : The remaining frames for the transition
  • Fade To Black (Trigger) : The output transitions to black
  • Fade To Black Frame Remaining (Positive Number) : The remaining frames for the Fade to Black transition

See Also: