1 - Create 3D scenery with presets

1 - Create 3D scenery with presets

Since the release of Smode 9, the presets have been reorganized to better match their uses. The existing presets in Smode 8 versions are still accessible but need to be activated in the standard pack.
check Legacy Default preset and Legacy Advanced presets to retrieve them!

Create some Pillars

Select your current project and create a new comp (File>New Standalone Compo) or Ctrl+N. In the dialog box, check Create Camera. Your composition will automatically been seen as "Untitled compo" and placed under "Unsaved Documents", use File>Save or Ctrl+S to save your composition where you want.
Now inside the Smode tree on the right, Right click>mesh>cylinder>PillarsI .
This will create this structure and if you now expand the tree under the newly created "PillarsI" Cylinder Can also be a tube if removing its top and bottom caps Read More you'll see how it's made :
- First the 3D Transform Change every vertex position using scale, rotate and translate transformations Read More modifier is set to act only on the radius of the Cylinder Can also be a tube if removing its top and bottom caps Read More and is masked by a vertical Texture Coordinate Uses object's UV to mask vertices. Either vertical, horizontal, radial, angular or combinations of thoses Read More function, which basically means that the " 3D Transform Change every vertex position using scale, rotate and translate transformations Read More " will be applied in function of the vertical textures coordinates. The function here is an "custom" function type which allows you to directly draw the function with your mouse either in parameters editor or in Functions editor. Just try drawing another function and you'll see the effect on the pillars.
- Once the cylinder is sculpted with the function, you'll see below the 3D Transform Change every vertex position using scale, rotate and translate transformations Read More modifier two repeat modifiers (called Depth and Side). Those are used to multiply the pillars.

Texture on your model

- Select the "surface renderer" of the pillars and turn it into "Metal I" preset (see on the screenshot below)
- Now click on the " UV Transform Scale / Rotate / repeat / translate UV of a geometry Read More " modifier and scale it to 70% to reduce a little bit the texture

Move objects in 3D space hints

This step is not essential to the remainder of the tutorial, it's just to help you comprehend Smode interface
Note that you can place every Geometry with the 3D mode 'top right of the viewport) :

Repeat the two first steps with other geometries

Create a Right click>mesh>Box>Moucharabieh I .
And then place it like that :
Create a Right click>mesh>Box>Stairs Angle.
And then place it like that :
Now as we did before :
- Select the "surface renderer" of the pillars and turn it into "Marble II" preset (see on the screenshot below). What a surface renderer preset will do is basically create some components inside the renderer (here a diffuse / normal Bump / specular) and assign them a Gradient / Image / Video. Here the images are from the standard pack seamless textures.
- Now click on the " UV Transform Scale / Rotate / repeat / translate UV of a geometry Read More " modifier and scale it to 50% - 500% or do it as you want. You're a grown up after all.
Next: 2 - Place lights and Volumetric

See Also: