The stroke modifier almost creates a new shape along the edges of your main shape.
It's similar to
Solidify Path
Transform lines in shapes given by splines
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but for
Shape layer
Bezier shape and drawing
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This modifier lets you:
Trace the edges like a shape
Create a snake effect along the edges
Modify the aspect of the caps
Dash the stroke
Repeat the stroke
Note that by using this modifier, filling method is changing.
Use it to modify the thickness of the stroke.
Trace the stroke and create a snake effect.
Placed over a
Group of shapes
A group of shapes
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, the trace option changes depending of the blending mode of the different shapes inside.
The option "Group behaviour" is also useful when placed over a
Group of shapes
A group of shapes
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a or a
A text shape
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. It's quite like the option "shape index" of the
Position in Shape
Define how the modifier is applied
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The trace option will take all the shapes or characters and trace the stroke one after the other.
Stroke cap (Start/End)
Similar to
JoinerSet a joiner between 2 shapes
, only available if Trace is enabled.
Modify the way caps of the stroke join the rest of the edges.
You can choose between 6 modes for caps:
Smooth (polynomial)
Smooth (exponantial)
: control this mode with the "Exponent" parameter
: control this mode with the "Count" parameter
: control this mode with the "Count" parameter
Depending of the associated radius parameters, caps begin earlier/later along the shape.
If you want to go further with custom caps, use
Compose a shape with other shapes
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Use it to replace the stroke by a dashed line.
Stroke modifiers have a Dash sub-object that can be customized with these parameters:
: the length (in px) of each dash
Gap Before
: Define the margin (in px) before each dash
Gap Before
: Define the margin (in px) after each dash
Dash modifiers have 2 other variables:
: The offset of each dash
: The Scale (in %) of each dash. If you have set the size parameter of your dash to 100px and this parameter to 50%, every dash will appear with a length of 50px (50% of 100)
Note that you can add as many "Dash" sub-objects as you want by right-clicking on the Stroke modifier and choose Dash.
Repeat (Inside/Outside)
Repeat the stroke.
: Number of repetitions
: Distance (in px) between each repetition
Radius Multiplier
: Thickness of the repetition. Depends on the thickness of the the stroke modifier