Tracking System

Tracking System

Field - Use a stage Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More trackers as attractors

Use each trackers of a Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More as a Attractor Attract particles to a point in space Read More . Useful to repulse, attract the particles in function of the position of the actors on a scene.
Here is a vortex effect arrond 2 trackers


  • Tracking System (Tracking System Selector) : The tracking Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More to use (just drag and drop it here from the stage).
  • Attraction (Percentage (-100% - 100%)) : Attract or repulse the particles in direction of the trackers
  • Vortex (Percentage (-100% - 100%)) : Applies a tornado like motion to the particle arrond each one of the trackers
  • Reverse Even Vortex (On/off option) : the vortex arrond one for two trackers will spin in the other direction
  • Position Strength (Floating point number) : Influence the particles position directly, without changing its forces.
    Warning, influencing directly the position can make the particles go through surfaces without colliding with them!
  • Velocity Strength (Floating point number) : Influence the particles velocity only (accelerate or slow them down without changing their direction)
  • Force Strength (Floating point number) : Influence the particles forces (change their velocity and direction)

See Also: