Expose an Unreal Actor

Expose an Unreal Actor

How to Expose an Actor to Smode

Unreal Actors can be exposed so that their parameters can be manipulated directly from Smode.
To expose an Actor, add a "smode" tag to its parameters in Unreal:

The Actor will appear with its components in Smode when you reload the Unreal Map.
The Actor Transform will be inside its root component.

If the Unreal Actor has a parent, you also need to add a 'smode' tag to the parent.

Supported variables

  • Bool
  • Byte
  • Int
  • Float
  • String
  • Vector
  • Rotator
  • Color
  • Enum


In the plugin content/utilities, you'll find an example actor blueprint with exposed variables that you can use to test supported properties.
In Smode, it will look like this:

See Also: