Decentralized Setup

Decentralized Setup

A Smode Unreal decentralized Setup with 3 or more Unreal server for XR

Don't forget follow the general parameter here: How-To Unreal 5 How to configure Unreal 5 for XR with SMODE Read More
With this setup you can do a set extension with AR that have different object and the LED screen have dedicated Unreal server
In this setup you have 4 or more server, One for Smode and the 3 or more other for Unreal, they are all connected together via the network and via the quadroSync card for Genlock
The first Unreal Server is for rendering a Back and the second for rendering a Front+Key
The 3rd ( and the next ) are for rendering the frustum to the LED screen directly ( like in a InCameraVFX setup )
To setup the Unreal server you can start by using the InCameraVFX config that you use on your LED screen, and then add the 2 server ( node ). for that you can follow this: Unreal Color Viewport Render a Unreal Color Viewport for Smode to use as Back and/or Front Read More for the first node and then another Unreal Color Viewport Render a Unreal Color Viewport for Smode to use as Back and/or Front Read More in a second node with a Unreal Key Render a Unreal Key for Smode to use as Alpha Layer Read More , all in the same nDispaly configuration.With this config you should have 3 node or more in the nDisplay config
The screen Placement and orientation need to match in SMODE and Unreal for that you can read: Stage and Screen Orientation SMODE / Unreal 3D orientation matching Read More
After setting up Unreal you can setup How-To Unreal In Smode How to integrate your Unreal content inside Smode Read More

See Also: