Unreal Device

Unreal Device

Control Device - The Unreal Device hosts the connection with Unreal

To exchange data between Smode and Unreal Engine, you need to create the Unreal Control Device Use any external controllers such as MIDI or OSC, DMX, and ArtNet Read More .
To do so, go to the Preferences Smode Preferences panel Read More panel [F11], in the Engine Preferences General preferences of SMODE's rendering engine. Add your Device here: MIDI controller, OSC, Video and Audio devices etc. Read More tab, select the Control Device section and click the Add button on top to add a new Control Device. Then, select Unreal in the list of devices:
Set the IP address ( when on the same server) and the port of the adapter you want to listen for Unreal.
You can then check the incoming messages from your device through the Devices Panel Visualize and manage audio/video inputs/outputs, clocks, and controllers connected to Smode Read More :
To create an XR project in Smode, refer to the topic: Create and Run your XR Studio in Smode.
For optimal stability, set the IP address of the master server of your Unreal cluster in the device settings:
In order to use Unreal content in Smode, you can refer to this guide: How-To Unreal 5 How to configure Unreal 5 for XR with SMODE Read More .
If you are using Unreal Engine 4.27, you need to choose between a multi-GPU setup: How-To In Unreal Multi Gpu How to configure Unreal with a MultiGpu setup Read More or a multi-server setup: How-To In Unreal Multi Server How to configure Unreal with a Multi Server setup Read More .


Unreal Element:

Unreal Level Layer - The Map loaded in Unreal with its exposed actors

Unreal Xr Topology:

Simple Centralized Setup - A basic Smode Unreal Centralized Setup for XR projects with 2 servers

Dual Centralized Setup - A Smode Unreal centralized Setup with 2 Unreal server for XR

Decentralized Setup - A Smode Unreal decentralized Setup with 3 or more Unreal server for XR


How-To Unreal 5 - How to configure Unreal 5 for XR with SMODE

Switchboard - How to configure Unreal 5 for XR with SMODE

Stage and Screen Orientation - SMODE / Unreal 3D orientation matching

Unreal Color Viewport - Render a Unreal Color Viewport for Smode to use as Back and/or Front

Unreal Key - Render a Unreal Key for Smode to use as Alpha Layer

Expose an Unreal Actor - How to Expose an Actor to Smode

How-To Unreal In Smode - How to integrate your Unreal content inside Smode

Unreal 4.27:

How-To In Unreal Multi Gpu - How to configure Unreal with a MultiGpu setup

How-To In Unreal Multi Server - How to configure Unreal with a Multi Server setup

Separate Unreal instances for Front and Back - Here is the change that need to be made for separating the rendering of the front and back onto 2 server when using Unreal

How-To Configure Spout for Unreal - How to setup the Spout for Unreal

See Also: