Shader Toy Generator

Shader Toy Generator

2D Generator - Copy past your favourite shader from ShaderToy to the Smode Shader Editor Code custom shaders in Smode Read More . Seems like a dream ?'s Smode...

This feature is only available in the current beta version of Smode and is not yet officialy supported.

To import a Shader simply copy / Paste from shader toy and use Medias as Channels.
Press [Ctrl] + [Enter] at any time in order to compile the shader.
Go check the Shader Toy website for awesome shaders:
For the "simple" shaders, just copy-past the shader toy code into Smode Shader Editor Code custom shaders in Smode Read More (here is a most beautiful "simple" example made by Leon):

For more complex shaders (with Image channels and Buffers), just import the Image Layer This generator loads a still image and displays it. Read More into one of the channel with ALT+drag and drop.
For the buffers, you can replace one of the Smode iChannel by a shader toy generator which will act as a buffer:

Here are the main variables you can expose inside of a Shader Toy Layer :


  • Image (Shader) : Image of the shader toy generator
  • Transport (Transport) : Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More of the shader toy generator
  • Mouse Position (2D Position) : Get the mouse position of the shader toy generator
  • Mouse Down (On/off option) : Mouse down of the shader toy generator
  • Channel 0 (2D Generator) : Select the 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More
  • Channel 1 (2D Generator) : Select the 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More
  • Channel 2 (2D Generator) : Select the 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More
  • Channel 3 (2D Generator) : Select the 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More
  • Dynamic Variables (Custom Shader) : Dynamic variables of the shader toy generator

See Also: