Here is what you need to do in order to expose a property in Notch:
First in the properties pannel, chose one parameter and click on the "?" icon
Then in the popup pannel:
Enable the "Set Value Min/Max" checkbox and chose apropriate value for the parameter.
Enable the "expose Property" checkbox and change the name if you want
Smode has some specific naming conventions in order to determine the type of properties:
will become a
parameter in Smode.
will become a
will become a
scale factor (unbounded percentage).
In Notch the exposed Attributes are placed inside the Exposed pannel as show in the image below:
And to finich when your Block is imported inside Smode you have access to the parameter limited to it's min/max defined before:
You can also use a
Exposable Camera
How to use an Exposable Camera
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for your
Notch 3D Layer
Notch 3D Layer
Read More
Learn more about Exposing Attributes with a video from Notch: