Notch Block .dfxdll file

Notch Block .dfxdll file

Notch Block File ".dfxdll"


Notch is a generative content creation software with a node-based interface that allows for the creation of cutting edge 3D real-time visuals ( Smode Support the Block form Notch 0.9 and 1.0
A piece of content exported from Notch is called a Notch Block and is stored with a ".dfxdll" file extension. Such files can then be imported into Smode in order as a 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More , 2D Modifier Modify a 2D image Read More or 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More .
This topic describes the workflow for using Notch content inside Smode.

Export from Notch

1. Make sure you use Notch Exposed Properties How to Expose Properties Read More for every Notch parameter that needs to be animated in Smode.
2. In the Notch editor, click on Project > Compile Block for Media Server and choose the location of your Smode's media directory:

Import in Smode

Notch Block can be imported in three different ways into Smode:
Depending on which properties have been exposed in Notch, Smode will only propose the relevant options.
In the example below, Smode detected automatically that this Block is a Notch 2D Generator Notch 2D Generator Read More


Notch Generator:

Notch 3D Layer - Notch 3D Layer

Notch 2D Generator - Notch 2D Generator

Notch 2D Modifier - Notch Modifier


Exposable Camera - How to use an Exposable Camera

Notch Exposed Properties - How to Expose Properties

How-To-Notch-XR - Using Notch Content for a XR setup

See Also: