Configure Spout

Configure Spout

How to configure Spout Input Receive a video stream from Spout (check :Configure Spout) Read More and Spout Output Sends a video stream to Spout (check :Configure Spout) Read More

Spout allow to route the visual output of one program to another like Syphon on OSX. This way you can for instance receive in Smode as a layer the current composition of another software or in the contrary, work on another software with the current visual output of Smode.
Spout currently works with this non-exhaustive list of softwares : After Effects / Unity / TouchDesigner / Ableton Live / Adobe Air / Processing / MADRIX / Cycling / openFrameworks / vvvv / modulo π / 7th sense / BlackMagic / Troikatronix / Visikord / Virtual DJ / Ni Mate / Light Jams / Enttec LED Mapper / Winamp natively or through plugins.
More information and download of Spout is here:


How to configure Smode output to send a visual signal through Spout.
First go inside the preferences through EDIT > Preferences (F11)Edit Smode's Preferences .
Go inside the "Additional Video Outputs" configuration under the "Engine" tab.
Then add a video output and select "Create New Spout Video Output"

You can now leave the output name by default or give it a lovely name that reminds you happy memories.
Now expand the newly created video output and select the adapter as showed below. Then apply changes.

Now let open one of the example composition and the Spout receiver.
To make sure that the signal is send don't forget to activate Smode Output as showed on the screenshot below. If the spout receiver does not get anything, check inside it's settings.

Now any Spout compatible software can receive the signal you're sending, like the echoes of a whale in an ocean of colors.
If you only need to output content from Spout, you can disable Output Window by muting Outputs contained in the Builtin Video Outputs in the Engine panel of Smode Preferences.


How to configure Smode to receive a visual signal thought Spout.
First of all, to configure the Input you must have something sending a signal through spout. To explain the way to do it let's turn on Spout Sender.
Go inside the "Video Inputs" configuration under the "Engine" tab.
Then add a video input and select it on it's options.
If you have no configurable video inputs you'll see only "Null Video Input", and in this menu you may also see several Spout inputs, webcam or anything else, which can be also configure through this menu.
Then don't forget to apply Changes

No let's go inside a composition and put a "Video Input" 2D Layer (right click > 2D Layers > Video Input)

Now inside your composition, whatever come through spout will be seen as a layer like any other. Inside the "Video Input" 2D Layer parameters you can also set it to receive any signal you've already added inside preferences. In this example I left the default name "Video Input 1".

V-Sync Troubleshooting

Unfortunately, it may happen that Spout output does not take VSync into account. To fix this issue, you must go force the V-Sync in the driver settings.
Inside of the Nvidia control Panel :

Inside of the ATI Radeon control Panel :

Another workaround is having a muted standard output next to the spout output in order to force the VSync:

Here is a video to show you how to configure spout :

See Also: