The surface renderer allow to display triangulated geometries (so anything with a surface).
It contain every component you are used to :
-Diffuse : Emitted light from the object
-Specular : Add this reflection effect. This can be combined with emitted specular from
Illuminate 3D renderers
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-Bump : Displace object normals with a black and white map to generate false 3d with
Illuminate 3D renderers
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-Normal : Use a rgb map to displace object normals (much effective than bump). Use
Illuminate 3D renderers
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angle between object and camera to generate false 3D.
-Env-map : Use a spherical or Cylindrical map to fake reflections and refractions
-Vertex color info : Debug your object normals issues
-Alpha : In the title. Better use
3D Mask
3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate.
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to do this effect
-Checkerboard : A 3D checkerboard