3D Transform

3D Transform

3D Modifier - Change every vertex position using scale, rotate and translate transformations

The 3D equivalent of the 2D Transform Change pixels position using translate, scale and rotate parameters with Frame Wrap Modes Read More but in 3D. Work the same way. Its only goal is to transform an existing geometry (rotate / scale and position). There are 2 primary uses of this modifier :
  • Simplify 3d animation by using this modifier to switch between 2 animation states (with it's intensity).
  • Use with a 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More : it has a different version of the Displace Displace vertex along its normal Read More . For instance, on a plane, as all normals go in the same direction, better use this one than a Displace Displace vertex along its normal Read More as 3D transform is way more versatile.

Here is an example of a plane scale, translated and rotated with an height-map from Smode Standard Pack next to a one displaced with the same map:

In this tutorial you'll see how to use it in 2 min to create a mountain. As the following video is quite old, inside of it this modifier was named "Place"...Sorry for that
In this video "place" IS "3D Transform"


  • Normals Smoothing (Percentage) : Normals smoothing of the 3d transform
  • Anchor (3D Anchor) : Anchor of the 3d transform
  • Translation (3D Position) : Translation of the 3d transform
  • Rotation (Euler Angles) : Rotation of the 3d transform
  • Scale (3D Size in Floating point number) : Scale of the 3d transform


Advanced Presets: 3D noise scale

See Also: