Attribute Modifiers

Attribute Modifiers

Modifiers: Change "per vertex" attributes (Most effective with points renderer)

These 3D Modifier Modify a 3D geometry Read More modify properties of each vertex of the geometry, you can modulate the intensity of modification using a 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More .

These modifiers allow you to modify your 3D set up with parameters that extend your creativity through time and space. As you'll see in the Parameters editor, almost all of them are constructed in the same way. The only difference between them is the vertex attribute that is concerned: scale, rotation, color, UV, etc. . Most of the attribute modifiers modifiers use a combination of 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More and functions to enable controlling any parameter over time, space, texture coordinates, velocity or pure randomness .
Some attributes like age, or generation are only available in Particles Simulate a particle system Read More
Here are some examples of Attribute modifiers applied to a simple Particles Simulate a particle system Read More system:

- Linear

- Age

- CheckerBoard on UV

- Ease In Preset

- Ease Out Preset

- Sinusoidal Function

- Ease In Preset using Age as

- Ease In Preset using Linear as

- Flicker using Age as

- Flicker using Linear as

- Ease Out Preset using Age as

- Using Group ID as

Here is a little demonstration of what can be done with some images and mesh primitives combined with a UV Camera Mapping Remap UV of a mesh using a Camera Read More :


Colorize - Colorize all the vertices of the geometry uniformly

Colorize Function - Colorize all the vertices of the geometry using a Color Gradient Specify a one-dimensional color gradient Read More and a 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More

Colorize Layer - Colorize geometry vertices with a 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More

Opacity - Change the opacity of the geometry vertices using an input attribute

Point Attributes - Define points color, scale and rotation functions

Point Rotate - Rotate all vertices of geometry

Point Rotate Function - Rotate all vertices of geometry using Function with a selector (equivalent to 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More )

Point Scale - Scale all vertices of geometry

Point Scale Function - Scale all vertices of geometry using Function with a selector (equivalent to 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More )

UV Mapping - Remap UV of a mesh using simple mappings (Cylindrical / planar / orthographic / perspective)

UV Camera Mapping - Remap UV of a mesh using a Camera

UV Transform - Scale / Rotate / repeat / translate UV of a geometry

See Also: