Random Points

Random Points

3D Generator - Random Points generated inside a volume (sphere, box or any other Smode primitive)

Here is a little video to show you how to use this generator with volumetric light :
You can also use any 3D Generator The 3d generator of a 3D Layer represents a source of geometry. Read More with the Random Points Allow to display points randomly over a geometry Read More to produce almost the same results (except that points will be scattered over a surface instead of a volume). This also makes possible to sample custom 3D File External referenced 3D file (.fbx and .obj) Read More , which is not possible with Random points generator.
If you want to change the shape of this generator, you can select it either inside the Element Tree The hierarchical structure of Smode elements Read More , directly in its parameters inside the Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More . To change the shape (position / orientation / size) select it in the element tree (red arrow):

Here is an example of a Random points generator with a box shape:

Here is a little comparison between this generator set as sphere and a Geosphere Even sphere Read More with a Random Points Allow to display points randomly over a geometry Read More Modifier over it.


  • Seed (Seed V9) : How the random generator gets initialised, each number produces a different randomness
  • Count (Positive Number) : Count of the random points
  • Positions (Position Sampler) : A surface on which the random points will generate random points


Standard Presets: Random Points - On Plane (horizontal), Random Points - On Plane (vertical), Random Points - On Line (horizontal), Random Points - On Line (vertical), Random Points - On Sphere (1m), Random Points - On Box (1m), Random Points - On Cylinder and Random Points - Single Point

See Also: