Oculus Camera

Oculus Camera

Camera - A camera used to display to an Oculus Device

This Camera A camera filming 3D content Read More is used to work with an Oculus Device Use an Oculus Headset and Controllers Read More . The controllers thumbsticks can be used to move in space.


  • Placement (3D Placement) : Initial position of viewer body in space, before additional movement with headset or controllers
  • Clipping Distances (Clipping Distance) : Clipping distances of the oculus camera
  • Device Selector (Oculus) : The Oculus Device Use an Oculus Headset and Controllers Read More tied to the oculus camera
  • Merger (Stereoscopic Merger) : Merger of the oculus camera
  • Max Speed (Meters) : Max distance per second of the oculus camera when thumbstick is fully pushed
  • Max Angular Speed (Angle (0 - 180 deg)) : Rotation speed of the oculus camera when thumbstick is fully pushed
  • Viewer Placement (Position Orientation) : Read-only, current position of viewer in space, after applying controllers movements
  • Head Set Placement (Position Orientation) : Read-only, current position of oculus camera in space, after applying headset movements
  • Multi Sampling (Multi Sampling Quality) : Multi sampling of the oculus camera

See Also: