Camera - A camera used to display to an Oculus Device
This CameraA camera filming 3D contentRead More is used to work with an Oculus DeviceUse an Oculus Headset and ControllersRead More. The controllers thumbsticks can be used to move in space.
Placement (3D Placement) : Initial position of viewer body in space, before additional movement with headset or controllers
Clipping Distances (Clipping Distance) : Clipping distances of the oculus camera
Device Selector (Oculus) : The Oculus DeviceUse an Oculus Headset and ControllersRead More tied to the oculus camera
Merger (Stereoscopic Merger) : Merger of the oculus camera
Max Speed (Meters) : Max distance per second of the oculus camera when thumbstick is fully pushed
Max Angular Speed (Angle (0 - 180 deg)) : Rotation speed of the oculus camera when thumbstick is fully pushed
Viewer Placement (Position Orientation) : Read-only, current position of viewer in space, after applying controllers movements
Head Set Placement (Position Orientation) : Read-only, current position of oculus camera in space, after applying headset movements
Multi Sampling (Multi Sampling Quality) : Multi sampling of the oculus camera