

A camera filming 3D content

Cameras can give you the opportunity to see things through a different angle, as would philosophy or meditation. Isn't that nice? Here we'll see how to create and organize the cameras.

Create a camera

There is many ways to create them, just check this box when you create a new composition (Ctrl+Shift+N).
Or create it in your scenery ( right click -> Camera ), You have different kind of cameras, perspective an orthographic:

Layout settings

You can change the Viewport Preview and edit your content Read More layout by clicking on the icons circled in red on the image below, doing that you can split the view in 2 or 4. Remember that to move freely in the left window in 2 split view (stroke in green on the image below), you must choose to view it with the "visualiser camera". If you want to view only the 3D scene and not the final result on the output, double click on the 3D windows and bim !
Same thing goes for the 4 view visualizer, don't forget to choose wisely your camera if you want to see...everything.

Composition current cameras

Do not forget that for each composition, you have to set your camera as a current camera. Usually it is automatically done but you'll have to choose the main camera for each compo as soon as you have more than one camera in your comp. A main camera is indicated by a little red square. Check the frustum parameters to configure the FOV (field of view).
If you have more than one composition in your tree, you'll get to choose of which composition is the selected camera the main camera

Multiple camera settings

A key feature of Smode's compositing engine is the ability to composite 2D/3D layers and furthermore compositing different 3D scenes between them. In this example for instance, you can see the two shapes mixed in the 3D view but not at all in the final result:
  • The shapes are in 2 distinct compositions so they don't mix.
  • Each Camera is set to be the current camera of the composition it is inside, which makes that shapes are viewed from different angles.
Note that each composition can be set as any blending mode possible. You can see this concept exploited in the generative temple composition into Smode's examples.

Parameters to all Cameras

  • Placement (3D Placement) : Placement in 3D space of the camera
  • Num Compos Referencing This As Current Camera (Positive Number) : Indicate the number of compo that use the camera (Read Only)


Standard Camera - Standard camera with a perspective/orthographic frustum

Spherical Camera - Spherical Camera (for 360 videos)

Stereoscopic Camera - A stereo camera allowing to display in 2 video fluw or in anaglyph

Oculus Camera - A camera used to display to an Oculus Device

VR Window Camera - A specific camera for Off-axis projection rendering

Physical Camera - A camera that simulate a real-one

Content Map Current Camera - A specific camera that pull it's View and Transform form a Content Map This section describes how to set up your content maps and use Content Area Read More

CameraModel .optic - A file that contain Model for a Physical Camera A camera that simulate a real-one Read More

See Also: