3D Renderer

3D Renderer

Displays a 3D geometry

This section of the documentation is about the different renderers used to display 3d geometries.
They are classed in 3 categories :
Surface : Display a surface on 3D Generator The 3d generator of a 3D Layer represents a source of geometry. Read More constituted of triangles
Lines : Display lines on 3D Generator The 3d generator of a 3D Layer represents a source of geometry. Read More having splines informations
Points : Display the points (vertex) of any 3D Generator The 3d generator of a 3D Layer represents a source of geometry. Read More
Some of the Smode primitives will be able to be displayed only by certain types of renderers (such as Splines or Particles). Hopefully some Operator Modifiers Change existing geometry. Can generate or change points / lines / surfaced on 3D layers (3D Generator) Read More allows you to use any renderer on any geometry. Like generating faces and lines on Particles systems with the Connect Points Connect Points to generate splines in order to display lines Read More .
But here is a little schematic to explain that properly :

Parameters to all 3D Renderers

  • Opacity (Percentage) : Opacity of the 3d renderer
  • Effects (List of Fragment Modifiers) : Effects of the 3d renderer
  • Blending Mode (Blending Mode) : How this 3d renderer gets blended
  • Depth Buffer (Renderer Depth Settings) : Depth-buffer related settings
  • Auto Illuminate (Percentage) : Auto illumination of the 3d renderer, no more illumination from lights, useful for camera mapping with UV Camera Mapping Remap UV of a mesh using a Camera Read More for instance


Point renderers:

Simple Points - A light renderer to display points and look like a square

Sprite Points - Display point using any kind of 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More as map

Ball Points - Display points of a geometry with spheres

Box Points - Display points of a geometry with Boxes

Vertex Referential - Display normal, tangents ans bi-tangents of geometry's vertices

Line renderers:

Wireframe Lines - Simple wire-frame Lines with not much options

Thick Lines - Wire-frame lines with many options and who can use any 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More as map

Tube Lines - Generate tubes over geometry edges

Surface renderers:

Surface - Display geometry's triangles as a surface

PBR Surface - Surface Physically-based rendering

Triplanar Mapping - Define a mixture of one / three or six textures corresponding to the X, Y and Z local axis.

Gradient Colorizer - Apply a ObjectAny object inside Smode to colorize fragments according to a Geometry Mask Preset Simple presets of 3D Mask Read More

3D Texture - Define colors via a native 3D Texture

Geometry Mask Preset - Simple presets of 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More

AutoIlluminate Surface - Display geometry's triangles as a AutoIlluminate surface

Surface renderers:

Multiple Renderer - Combine and adjust the way you organize a chain of modifiers and you display your geometry


Group 3D Renderer - Group several 3D Renderer Displays a 3D geometry Read More

See Also: