Defines a placement in 3D space
Position - Define a 3D position in space
Position Orientation - A simple 3axis position/orientation into space to place any 3D element
Position Orientation Size - Define a Position,Orientation and Size in space
Target Orientation Distance - Default placement of a Camera A camera filming 3D content Read More
Position Target Roll - Got a position and a Target which determine the orientation of the object and the a barrel roll parameter
Rail - Allow to use the placement of your geometry to do rail animations
Position Quaternion - Uses quaternion algorithm for the rotation transformation of the object
Matrix - Non user friendly 3D transformations mainly used to import 3D File External referenced 3D file (.fbx and .obj) Read More
Relative To Camera - As it say, take as reference your camera
Mirror - Mirroir mirroir, qui est la plus belle ?
Link To Tracker - Placement relative to tracker