PC2 cache File

PC2 cache File

A PC2 cache File to import per vertex animation from 3D animations or simulations

A PC2 cache file work only for a SINGLE Mesh.
If you exported your cache from several objects then you should either:
- Merge theses objects in your 3D software, then export the PC2 cache, and finally export as an obj.
- Import the multiples mesh from the .obj as a "Reference", so Smode could interpret them as a single mesh.
Before exporting the mesh and the cache from your 3D software, here is some stuff to do:
- Triangulate your mesh. It should work with quads also but...well, triangulate just in case.
- Export the Mesh in .obj with theses settings (here from Blender):
Each cache exported must correspond to a single mesh. It's beter to select your object before exporting

- Do not forget to apply all the transformations to your mesh prior to export it
Exporting a PC2 with Blender use the addons "Export Pointcache Format(.pc2)", you can activate it inside the Blender preference.

-Export the PointCache .pc2 with theses settings:
You need to set your start and end frame depending on your animation.

Here is the addons documentation in the Blender manual:pc2.html
To import an animated mesh baked with a PC2 cache files:
- First import the 3D File External referenced 3D file (.fbx and .obj) Read More
- If the pc2 file have the same name as the obj (filename.obj = filename.pc2 or filename.obj.pc2) the animation is imported directly
- Overwise you can drag and drop the .pc2 file into the good position (over the imported .obj).
- This will create an animation node, just activate it's Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More :

Or drag and drop it into the Timeline Timelines allow for easy playback, cutting, and editing of video layers, as well as animation of layers and their parameters, editable with the Timeline Editor. Read More :

The Cube explosion was made using a special version of Blender: The fracturemodifier ( to make the explosion in one object )

And watch the magic happen:


  • File (.pc2 Content File Selector) : File of the pc2 cache file
  • Transport (Transport) : Transport of the pc2 cache file

See Also: