3D Layer

3D Layer

A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect)

The structure of 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More follows the same logic as this of 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More : they contain a 2D Generator The part of a 2D layer that generates the image Read More , a stack of 3D Modifier Modify a 3D geometry Read More that can be modulated through 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More and 3D Renderer Displays a 3D geometry Read More that can have local modifiers. The main difference is that instead of acting on 2D images, these 3D components operate on geometries .
  • GeometryGenerator : The Generator of a 3D layer represents the source of a geometry. It can either be constituted of faces (mesh), points (point cloud, particles), lines (splines) or a combination of those.
  • GeometryModifier : A 3D layer contains a chain of modifiers that are applied to the geometry defined in its generator. A wide number of 3D modifiers are provided ranging simple vertex attribute operations to advanced distortion and generation effects.
  • 3D Mask 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate. Read More : Any 3D modifier in Smode can be modulated with 3D masks that define for every vertex (point in space) the level of application of the modifier. Masks enable numerous applications from traditional displacement-masking to advanced modulation of stylisation effects and can even be used for animations.
  • GeometryRenderer : Once the generator is modified, it gets rendered by its 3D Renderer Displays a 3D geometry Read More . By default there is one such renderer, but it's very easy to turn it into a group renderer to get the layer displayed multiple times (without nearly any additional cost). Renderers in 3D are dispatched in 3 categories consistent with the generators : Lines, points and surface renderers. Each renderer has an opacity and a blending mode . It is possible to add local modifiers on renderers but for that you'll have to turn them into groups renderer (select a renderer and Ctrl+Shift+G).
To group several 3D objects, select them and press CTRL+SHIFT+G. This will have different effects if you choose 3D Renderer Displays a 3D geometry Read More , Light Illuminate 3D renderers Read More or 3D Generator The 3d generator of a 3D Layer represents a source of geometry. Read More . Either can have a different behavior but they all have a 3D Placement Defines a placement in 3D space Read More .
You can also group several 3D layers under a Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More with CTRL+SHIFT+C which will result to create a rasterized layer containing your 3D scenery. This composition will have a depth buffer you can use with a 2D Depth mask Select each pixel depending on a associated depth-value Read More .

Here is a little introduction to the Smode3D engine:

Here is a little animation made entirely with 3D layers for somebody called Maxence:

Smode Academy

Modifier & Mask Stacks 3D in SMODE


Parameter Types:

3D Position - A position in 3D space stored in meters

Renderer Depth Settings - Settings that affect how a renderer uses the depth-buffer


3D Generator - The 3d layer of a 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More represents a source of geometry.

3D Modifier - Modify a 3D geometry

3D Mask - 3D masks enable selecting 3D vertices based on their different attributes such as position, color and texture coordinate.

3D Renderer - Displays a 3D geometry

3D Placement - Defines a placement in 3D space

Camera - A camera filming 3D content

Light - Illuminate 3D renderers

Special Layers - Real time Ray Traced 3D Layer

Material Bank - A Bank A container for logic elements (animations, parameters, links, ...) Read More of 3D Renderer Displays a 3D geometry Read More

3D Group - A Group of 3D Layer A single 3D Layer (3D object, particle system, ect) Read More

3D Tools

See Also: