Group 2D Renderer

Group 2D Renderer

2D Renderer - Allow multiple 2D Renderer Allow to actually display a 2D Layer Read More for a single 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More

In a 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More , by default, there's only one renderer. If you need to use the same element in various locations, whether within different positions in the same Content Map This section describes how to set up your content maps and use Content Area Read More or even in other content maps, instead of creating a complete copy of the layer, you can change its renderer type to 'Group Renderer'. This will create a first Parametric Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters Read More in the same location as your previous renderer. Then, you can easily duplicate it using [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[A] or [Ctrl]+[D] . You can change its placement and/or target Conten Map to display the layer in multiple locations:
With this feature, you can display any 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More , like a video for example, in multiple locations without incurring additional memory costs, as the video decoding happens only once.
Note that each renderer ( Parametric Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters Read More ) has its own Blending Mode Define how overlapping pixels are blended together Read More , allowing you to mix different Blending Mode Define how overlapping pixels are blended together Read More . Additionally, each renderer can have its own local 2D TextureMask Define a 2D Mask applicable on any 2D Renderer or 2D Modifier Read More , 2D Modifier Modify a 2D image Read More , and 2D Renderer Effect An effect that modifies the way a 2D layer is rendered Read More .

If you want to modify the same parameter on several layers simultaneously, such as the opacity of multiple renders, you can simply select them all in the Element Tree and modify one parameter. It will be updated on all the selected layers.

It also works if you modify a parameter in the Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More .


  • Placement (2D Placement) : Root placement of all children 2D Renderer Allow to actually display a 2D Layer Read More
  • Renderers (List of 2D Renderers) : Renderer child 2D Renderer Allow to actually display a 2D Layer Read More

See Also: