Change pixels color
Temperature - Change each color channel given a percentage
Vibrance - Discriminative saturation
Color Balance - Do a color balance discriminating Shadow Midtones Highlight Tones
Exposure - Control the contrast of an image by adjusting its tonality
Grayscale - Turn an image black and white
Invert - Turn your image negative
Tritone - Change image tonality given a simple 3 colors gradient.
Red Green Blue - Change the intensity of a given color channel (R, G, B)
Brightness Contrast Gamma - Change the brightness, contrast and gamma of a layer
Hue Saturation Luminance - Fly through color space
Color Function - Apply a function independently on RGBA channels
Colorize - Re-colorize an image by applying a color gradient
Color Lookup Table - Modify colors using a Color Lookup Table file
Smart Lut - Modify colors using a LUT from a XR Display information Layer that store latency calibration informations and configure and store the color calibration Read More
OCIO - Modify colors using a color space conversion from an OCIO file