This mask relies on the depth-buffer which contains depth information associated to each pixel. Each
Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode
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using 3D elements have such a depth-buffer.
Either the
Depth Map is set to "Current", which means that the used depth will be of the current compo, or this parameter can be customized
to point to external
Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode
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such as compos inside
Shared Element
A shared element that can be reused at several places like an After Effects precomposition
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Here is the "Mask - Depth.compo" example that applies a
TextureMask a part of your image
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with a depth mask as a post-fx of a 3d compo:
Do not forget inside the depth mask parameters to choose the depth buffer it will be based on. In the next picture the depth mask depth map has been chosen from a compostion having a 3D object and so, a depth buffer :
Also remember than to actually generate a depth buffer you must write your 3D objects inside of it. To do so, go check the 3D objects
3D Renderer
Displays a 3D geometry
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parameters and change the
Renderer Depth Settings
Settings that affect how a renderer uses the depth-buffer
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as on the image below (it is like that by default):