2D Placement

2D Placement

Define a placement in 2D space

The placement of a 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More can be specified in different ways depending on the type of placement that is selected. By default, 2D Layer A single 2D Layer Read More uses the Parametric Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters Read More , which is defined through position, scale and rotation parameters.

Edition of placements in the visualizer

Although placements can be edited in the Parameters Editor Edit the parameters of the selected Element Read More , it is often convenient to manipulate them in the Viewport Preview and edit your content Read More .
By default, the visualizer is in the Translate Mode Edit placement Parameters Read More that enables moving, rescaling and rotating all types of placements. For this, click on the layer, on one of its sides or one of its corners and drag it:

For the placements based on control points such as Perspective Placement defined by a quad using perspective interpolation Read More or Bezier Placement defined by a Bezier grid Read More , the Edit Mode Allow to edit quickly some layers parameters Read More makes it possible to edit each point individually.
First, activate Edit Mode Allow to edit quickly some layers parameters Read More in the Viewport Preview and edit your content Read More toolbar, and then drag the points with the mouse or move them by using the arrow keys on your PC keyboard:

Here is an example of Bezier placement edition:

Note that it is possible to select multiple points and to moved them as a group.
For precise edition, use the arrows of the keyboard in combination with [SHIFT] (10 times more precise) or [CTRL] + [SHIFT] (100 times more precise).

Parameters common to all Elements

  • Loading (Activation State) : The loading status of the 2d placement. It can be loaded , enabled by not loaded or unloaded
  • Activation (Activation State) : The activation status of the 2d placement. It can be active , enabled by not active or inactive
  • Color Label (sRGB Color) : Associate a color label to your 2d placement to make it easily locatable
  • Solo (On/off option) : Activate this to keep only this 2d placement active and hide all other 2d placements in same location
  • Editable (Activation State) : The editabiliy status of the 2d placement. It can be locked directly , locked indirectly or editable
  • Preset (Element Preset Selector) : Select a preset to apply on the 2d placement
  • Status (Object's errors and warnings) : Warnings and errors associated to this 2d placement


General placements:

Fit - Fill all available space

Parametric - Placement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parameters

Placements based on quads:

Perspective - Placement defined by a quad using perspective interpolation

Bilinear - Placement defined by a quad using bilinear interpolation

Perspective Interpolation - Interpolation between two different perspective placements

Perspective Remapping - Perspective mapping of an input quad to an output quad

Placements based on Bezier grids:

Bezier - Placement defined by a Bezier grid

Bezier Patch - Placement defined by a patch of Bezier grids

See Also: