Be very attentive to the modifiers order in your chain of modifiers. A modifier always modifies what it got as input.
This category groups modifiers of 2d images. Those modifiers concern nearly every aspect of the image from colorimetry and geometry transformations
to advanced stylisation effects.
To add a 2D modifier to a layer, right click on this layer and select menu
It is also possible to add global 2D modifiers on the composition you are working on.
For this, use the main menu of the compo and select
Note that all 2d modifiers only impact the content of images, but they do preserve the resolution and aspect ratio of those images.
Placement of images on screen and resolution-dependent effects are respectively described in
2D Placement
Define a placement in 2D space
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2D Renderer
Allow to actually display a 2D Layer
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2D Renderer Effect
An effect that modifies the way a 2D layer is rendered
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These modifiers are divided in the following categories and can all be modulated through
2D TextureMask
Define a 2D Mask applicable on any 2D Renderer or 2D Modifier
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Here is a little schematic of all the 2D modifiers accessible through the menu: