Upon creating a composition (CTRL+N), you can choose to include a main Timeline.
Here are the three types of animations available in Smode:
: Create a main timeline within the composition (not a timeline cue).
at the root of the composition.
These choices can be reverted or added after the composition creation. Smode includes two types of timelines:
is embedded inside a composition and functions like in any classical animation software.
Main Timelines
There are many ways to animate in Smode, such as using
Function Cue
An animation bloc defined by a Function
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Exposed Parameter
Allow to control multiple Link Target with a single value
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. Timelines are a common method for animating parameters or bringing life to a 2D or 3D composition. This chapter covers Main Timelines, while Timeline Cues are discussed in the next chapter. Despite their differences, both types are quite similar.
A Main Timeline can be added to each composition. Inside each composition, click the designated button:
The timeline is then accessible within the
Timeline Editor
Timeline animation editor
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below the
Preview and edit your content
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when selecting the timeline or the composition. Selecting the timeline will give you access to its parameters through the
Parameters Editor
Edit the parameters of the selected Element
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- Lock the
Timeline Editor
Timeline animation editor
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on the current timeline by activating the lock button (circled in red in the image).
- The name of the currently displayed timeline is shown in the top left part of the
Timeline Editor
Timeline animation editor
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(underlined in red).
Drag and drop a composition inside the main timeline to have every animation within it driven by the newly created matching track:
If a composition with a timeline is placed under a Brother or Child Timeline instead of a Parent Timeline, an "out of scope" icon will appear. The timeline hierarchy must follow the
Element Tree
The hierarchical structure of Smode elements
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Timeline Cues
A Timeline can also be created as a cue or standalone animation, usable in an
Animation Bank
Where all your cues are stored
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Cue List
Add cues one after another to encode your Show
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(for Smode Station), similar to any standard cue.
Here is how to create Timeline cues: