Standalone Player

Standalone Player

Is used to play either video layers or generative layers such as Noise layer Generate a possibly animated noise image Read More or Droste Image inception Read More or the marvellous Video File Generate an animated image by playing a video file. Play it either with its Transport or from a Timeline (by drag n dropping the layer inside it) Read More

When you select a noise transport or video layer inside Smode, you can either seek into it with the mouse on the Transport Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank Read More row, or click on "Create Local Player" to play it as a loop.
Note that video streaming is disabled on Smode Synth.

Once the local player is created, you can select it to get animation parameter (such as playing it back and forth inside the "playing mode" row). Note that a local player can be drag and drop into any other video layer.

If you want to put your video inside a Timeline of course you can then check out the Timeline section of the doc. By default the local video player will loop, but you can play it once also if you want.


  • Parameters (Cue Play Parameters) : Parameters of the standalone player

Parameters common to all Elements

  • Loading (Activation State) : The loading status of the standalone player. It can be loaded , enabled by not loaded or unloaded
  • Activation (Activation State) : The activation status of the standalone player. It can be active , enabled by not active or inactive
  • Color Label (sRGB Color) : Associate a color label to your standalone player to make it easily locatable
  • Solo (On/off option) : Activate this to keep only this standalone player active and hide all other standalone players in same location
  • Editable (Activation State) : The editabiliy status of the standalone player. It can be locked directly , locked indirectly or editable
  • Preset (Element Preset Selector) : Select a preset to apply on the standalone player
  • Status (Object's errors and warnings) : Warnings and errors associated to this standalone player

See Also: