Link Modifier - Do operations based on numbers (multiply, add, substract etc.)
Set - Change a range of values into a single one
Offset - Offset the input value with a simple - or + operator
Multiply - Multiply the Input value
Divide - Divide the Input value
Modulo - Take a range of your input values range and make it loop
Invert - Take the input value and multiply by -1
Floor - Take the input values and quantize them
Power - Uses a power function
Math Inverse - Use a Inverse Function 1/x
Absolute - Make everything positive
Minimum - Define a Minimum threshold for the Output Value
Maximum - Define a Maximum threshold for the Output Value
Clamp - Clamp a value between two extremities
Remap - Take Input range and convert it on another Output range
Trig - Convert a value into a trigger
Toggle - Will toggle the target of the link
Enable - When an activation state is linked, this will force it's activation
Disable - When an activation state is linked, this will force it's disactivation.