DMX Output

DMX Output

Video Output Device - Legacy DMX screens system

This feature has been deprecated since Smode 8.6, and it is recommended to use the stage Fixture Definitions A dedicated Bank to store your fixtures Read More instead.
This is the legacy method for outputting DMX with Smode.

Remove watermark

If you see this sign on your Output:
then, you need to add the required number of IO Channels Remove the watermark on Inputs and Outputs channels Read More to your device.


  • Fixture Tile Resolution (Pixel Size) : If the screen is composed of multiple fixture tiles, this represents the pixel resolution of each tile. It must be a multiple of the DMX output resolution.
    If there is only one tile, it must be equal to the output resolution.
  • Color Format (Dmx Video Output Color Format) : Color format of the dmx output
  • Color Depth (Dmx Video Output Color Depth) : Color depth of the dmx output
  • Pixel Gap (Positive Number) : Gap size in channel between each pixels. It can be useful to interleave special pixel formats, such as RGBW, with an RGB DMX Output with a gap of 1, and another DMX Output in grayscale with an offset and gap of 3, for instance.
  • Fixture Channel Count (Positive Number (Optional)) : The total footprint of each fixture tile in DMX channels allows for automatic jump to the next fixture. This enables fixtures to control not only DMX color channels but also other controllers before and after the screen channel. Note that if a fixture cannot fit within a universe, the next universe is used with the same channel offset. If many there are too many fixtures, the next Universe is automatically used. If all 256 universes are full, the next Network can be used.

See Also: