Control Device - Use sACN Device as a controller

sACN is a protocol for sending DMX messages. Unlike ArtNet Use ArtNet Device as controller Read More , it uses multicast logic, sending each data packet directly to the destination device.
Unlike the ArtNet protocol, sACN does not rely on sub-network logic and allows for the creation of up to 64,000 universes.
When outputting data you need at the creation of the device to set the first Universe and Last universe, this will define the range of universes that are sent, other universe will be discarded by SMODE


  • Identifier (Socket) : Identifies the sAcn device
    • Receive (On/off option) : Activate Art-Net packet reception
    • Local Input (Local Network Address) : Local network address of the socket device identifier reception
    • Reuse Local Port (On/off option) : Allows local reception port reusing to let multiple software's listening to it
    • Send (On/off option) : Activates Art-Net packet emission
    • Remote Output (Network Address) : Remote network address of the socket device identifier emission
    • Broadcast (On/off option) : Toggles emission broadcast mode (needs special broadcast IP like or subnet broadcast like
  • Filter (Universe Filter) : Filter the input messages according to subnet and universe range to avoid flooding
    • Min Ip (Text) : Min client IPv4 address of the universe filter
    • Max Ip (Text) : Max client IPv4 address of the universe filter
    • Min Port (Network Port) : Min client UDP Port of the universe filter
    • Max Port (Network Port) : Max client UDP Port of the universe filter
    • Min Universe (Universe Selector) : Minimum universe value to accept
    • Max Universe (Universe Selector) : Maximum universe value to accept
  • Local Start (Universe Selector) : Custom Offset applied on the sACN channels
  • Half Frame Rate (On/off option) : divise by 2, based on the frame rate of SMODE, the packet that are sent out of the device
  • Send Sync Packed (On/off option) : Synchronise the display of the previous DMX messages among the different devices. May create latency with old materials.
  • Allow Partial DMXPacket (On/off option) : Allow partial DMX packets
  • Unicast Outputs (List of Universes Unicast Outputs) : Lets you send DMX messages through specific Network/Universe/channels. Overwrites the filter .

See Also: